Unpakke is a small and easy to use tool for the modification of resource files. It provides an elegant solution to the problem of distributing large archives, as it gives the ability to distribute only the modified files.
Version tracking
Now with LZF compression support.
Update your old version to the latest one. If you are developing any modules, don't forget to also use the new updated DSK.
Also, make sure you read the readme.txt file that comes with Unpakke, to learn what's new in version 1.1
Well, this is it. I'm currently writing a module or two, so expect bug fix builds to be released quite often.
As you might already know (probably not), lately I was working on the official 1.0 version of Unpakke. The development is almost done, so the official version ONE will be available for download very soon. Well, relatively soon...
Some of the new-old features worth mentioning are:
GUI, for those sending me rage mails about how dumb am I to create a CLI tool.
CLI, for the rest, intelligent part of the planet.
SDK, for those playing alone at home. Yes, homebrew module development will be available if you know how to code a basic DLL.
Minor, but nasty! Also, i've publish a module for "Dracula: Origin".
I've added a little code update to handle file path backslashes properly, because some archives use '/' insted of '\'.
It's probably a bag full of bugs, but oh well... The beta version comes with it's first module for a game called
"Phantasmat". (Both files are distributed separately!)
Stay tuned for more!
I've just started my useless
"Unpakke" project. What's that shit you'll say ? Stay tuned and you will see!